Versandhandel von Pharmazeutika aus Österreich- dein verlässlicher Hinrichtungspartner in Österreich? (Heinz Leitner)

Die nächste Schlagzeile? Headlines from Austria? Death profiteers in Austria – Versandhandel von Pharmazeutika aus Österreich – dein verlässlicher Hinrichtungspartner in Österreich? – Mail-order drugs from Austria -get your lethal injection from Austria – Der Export von Pharmazeutika zu Hinrichtungszwecken von Menschen seitens der Europäischen Union verboten – Was schert denn das Österreich und ein österreichisches Anzeigeblatt? – Oder irre ich mich? Am I wrong?


Free advertisement from Austria

 Pentobarbital-Natrium, AM2201, jwh018, ab-Pinaca, 4MMC, MDMA,AM2201, jwh018, ab-Pinaca, 4MMC, MDMA

–          See more at: – Today pentobarbital is considered so dangerous and addictive that it is mostly used under controlled circumstances, such as during surgery or as an injection given in a hospital or doctor’s office… *.

 *.or as lethal injection for executions of human beings in the United States, I add

The German of the product description in the free advertisement (Tyrol, Austria) is almost incomprehensible and not written by a native German speaker.

 *see more

Meet the best protected drug traffickers in the US: the Departments of corrections!

The Pharmacist who approves the business of killing, but only under the veil of secrecy

Texas and compounding pharmacies: partners in crime

Death penalty: Louisiana ‘blagged drug from hospital’

Louisiana Secretly Acquires Execution Drug from Local Hospital