Sarajevo Times, 10.2.2014

Sarajevo Times

Protest of Support in Belgrade: ‘’Dear Bosnia, We are With You’’

10. 2. 2014

At around 16:30 in the center of Belgrade a protest of support to the social unrest in B&H took place.

‘’Support to the people of B&H, today Tuzla, tomorrow Belgrade’’, said in one of the banners during the protests that was organized by an informal group on social networks.

At the gathering, there were several dozen protestors, who cheered slogans of solidarity with the protests in B&H.

It was mostly young people who carried the slogans that read: ‘’Greetings to antifascist Tuzla’’, ‘’Stop repression’’, ‘’Brave Bosnia, We are With You’’, ‘’Love for a working B&H’’, ‘’Heart for Tuzla’’.

The protests in Belgrade are ongoing, and a concert will be held.

There have been no incidents at the gathering, and representatives of the informal groups expect the protests to continue.


(Sarajevo Times)


February 9, 2014 4:50 PM

This past week’s protests in Tuzla, Sarajevo, Mostar, Zenica and other cities in the Federation of BiH and Brcko District were a demonstration of citizens’ frustration with the current economic, social, and political situation in the Federation and BiH more generally. We have long called on the citizens of BiH to hold their elected leaders responsible through civic activism efforts and participating in elections. We have been and will continue to support the right of BiH citizens to assemble and protest peacefully. Strong public discourse and two way dialogue between citizens and leaders are the clearest signs of a healthy democracy.

 At the same time, we must condemn violence in any form. Violence against protesters, police, journalists, and public property is not acceptable and must end. The use of violence distracts attention from the fundamental message we see the vast majority of protesters trying to make — that reform is necessary now.

 Government leaders have the responsibility to listen to and hear citizens’ very legitimate calls for reform. We call on government leaders at all levels in BiH to take the demands of citizens seriously, to reject efforts to use the protests to stoke fear and advance nationalist agendas,

and to come together to make the difficult compromises necessary to move BiH forward. The necessary reforms can and should come from within the institutions of BiH and must respect Bosnia and Herzegovina’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as a state composed of two entities and Brcko District.

 In the coming days, we expect BiH leaders to ensure the peace while listening to and respecting the people. There is much work to be done for Bosnia and Herzegovina to become a prosperous and fully democratic state where institutions and political leaders serve the people effectively and are accountable.


 Belgrad Bilder:


 „Danas Tuzla sutra Beograd“

U Beogradu protest podrške: Draga Bosno uz tebe smo

10. 2. A. A.

BEOGRAD – U centru Beograda oko 16.30 sati počeo je protest podrške socijalnim nemirima u Bosni i Hercegovini, javlja dopisnik Anadolu Agency (AA). „Podrška narodu BiH, danas Tuzla sutra Beograd“, piše na jednom od transparenata koje nose …

 … učesnici protesta organiziranih preko neformalne grupe na socijalnim mrežama.
Na skupu prisustvuje nekoliko desetina demonstranata, koji klicanjem parola solidariziraju se sa demonstracijama u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Pretežno mladi nose transparente na kojima piše:
„Pozdrav za antifašističku Tuzlu“, „Stop represesiji“, „Hrabra Bosno, uz tebe smo“, „Jedna ljubav za radničku BiH“, „Tuzla u srcu“.
Na protestu, koji osiguravaju jake policijske snage sa opremom za razbijanje demonstracija, pojavila se grupa pripadnika desničarskih organizacija, koji negoduju zbog skupa podrške BiH.
Policija je razdvojila dvije okupljene grupe, a pripadnici desničarskih organizacija su klicali poruke podrške Ratku Mladiću.
Protestni skup podrške protestima u BiH u centru Beograda i dalje traje, a održava se i koncert.
Skup traje bez incidenata, a predstavnici neformalne grupe očekuju nastavak protesta podrške te pozivaju da se protesti održe i u Srbiji.