PPlz Sign Petition on behalf of California Prisoners on Hunger Strike as of today July 8th (Heinz Leitner)



Click here to tell California Governor Jerry Brown and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder that we are paying attention to this hunger strike and that we oppose prolonged solitary confinement.


Betreff: PPlz Sign Petition on behalf of California Prisoners on Hunger Strike as of today July 8th

Dear Heinz,

A group of concerned people in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, has written up a petition to sign concerning the prisoners in California who are going on hungerstrike as of today.

The people who have made the petition (Amsterdams Solidariteits Komité) wrote this petition to the wardens, the governor of California and the secretary of CDCR, because this is their way of doing support from a distance. We have also written postcards to prisoners we know will go on hungerstrike, and we have sent the wardens, governor and secretary postcards of concern, asking them to listen to the 5 core demands of the prisoners.

The California prisoenrs have launched this hunger strike as a follow-up of the two hungerstrikes in 2011. It is against the SHU policies of indefinite solitary confinement, and the gang ‚validation‘ policies of „debriefing“ (snitching), amongst others.

In other US states prisoners are following the example of the CA prisoners in solidarity and to protest the solitary confinement practices in their states too.

Our petition can be signed here: http://www.change.org/petitions/governor-jerry-brown-secretary-beard-wardens-and-others-managing-cdcr-listen-to-the-demands-of-the-ca-prisoners-kept-in-solitary-confinement

or in short: http://chn.ge/1a4apib

The letter to sign is going straight to the email addresses of those addressed.

If people want to send support postcards to prisoners involved, send me an email and I will send you a list. All that is needed is stamps for overseas, cards and a pen! We do not mention the word „hunger strike“ because the chance of the card being refused is much larger then.

Tonight on Twittter we will hold a Twitterstorm from Amsterdam time 7PM. #PBhungerstrike or #CAhungerstrike.

In Solidarity!

Annabelle Parker

Amsterdams Solidariteits Komité
