AfGJ: No To US Interference in Venezuela – Important Petition

Emergency Alert! *

 *Senate committee votes today on anti-Venezuela resolution – *

 *Call your Senators*

 The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is scheduled today, March 11, 2014, to mark up S365, an anti-Venezuela resolution that includes the following language: „urges the President to immediately impose targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals planning, facilitating, or perpetrating gross human rights violations against peaceful demonstrators, journalists, and other members of civil society in Venezuela“. The bill, which has six co-sponsors, four Democrats and two Republicans is expected to pass in committee.

 As a resolution it does not carry the force of law, but if proponents combine it with the recently passed House Resolution HR488 which passed the House on Mar. 5 by a vote of 393-1, and if both houses of Congress pass the subsequent bill, it would become a law, possibly forcing the Obama administration to issue sanctions. This could force Venezuela to retaliate by cutting oil shipments to the US, an action which could cause the US to further escalate its tactics.

 Our elected officials and the US State Department are playing with fire and ignoring the interests of the people of both nations. Please call your Senators today – right now – and tell them it is extremely important to you that they oppose S365 and any other efforts to impose sanctions or worsen relations with the democratically elected government of Venezuela.

 United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121

 „This alert was issued by the Alliance for Global Justice“ „“ [ ]