„Voice Refugee Forum“: Deportation Hearing – Nigerian Activists Protest Embassy Delegation in Munchen

Deportation Hearing: Nigerian Activists Protest Embassy Delegation in Munchen

 Refugee activists are at the moment protesting at the venue of the Nigerian embassy corrupt deportation hearing taking place at Munich Flughafen Besuchpark (Wartungsalle 6, 85356 Munchen.

 Amongst the protesting activist present is a non Nigerians Refugee who had earlier being issued deportation document by the Nigerian embassy delegation at Karlsruhe last year.

 The refugees are disappointed with the nigerian embassy continnation of the stooge collaboration with the brutal deportation practices of the German state.

 Not even with the shameful enforcement of brutality against activists who peacefully protested at the embassy in October 2012 and the disgraceful court processes on Tresspass charges against the activists.

 Our mission at this hearing is to re-emphasis our commitment to continiously expose every practice of colonial heritage that exist in this so called criminal and civilised Germany.

 We say over and over again.

 Deportation is murder!

Deportation is Torture!!

Deportation is colonial Heritage!!!

 The VOICE Refugee Forum in Baden Wurttemberg

Tel.: 017627873832

Email: thevoice_bdw@yahoo.de

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