On February 25, 2014, a national general strike will take place in Korea (Labor Video Project)

On February 25, 2014, a national general strike will take place in Korea against the attack by the Korean Kim Myung-hwan government on the Korean Railway Workers Union which was striking against  privatization of the railways. The Park government also assaulted the Central Headquarters of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions KCTU with 6,000 police and has also jailed the union leaders of the KRWU and other unions. Public worker unions in Korea have no democratic labor rights and and under Korean anti-labor law, individual trade unionists can be  personally sued for going on strike. This has  causing bankruptcies and suicides among Korean workers.

As a result of an international labor solidarity call, the San Francisco Labor Council and other unions including the ILWU Local 10 and the Sacramento Labor Council  will be having a protest at the Korean consulate in San Francisco to demand the release of all jailed trade unionists, an end to the repression and a halt to the privatization of the KORAIL. The rally was initiated by the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee.

The San Francisco Labor Council in its resolution also protested the Korean government’s organizing of a counter-protest against peaceful labor protesters on January 17, 2014.


The rally has been endorsed by many labor and community groups and will also be broadcast live to the Korean people bywww.kpfa.organd the International Labor Media Network www.ilmnetwork.org

 For further information

Transport Workers Solidarity Committee


or go to their website at:
