Bitte unterschreibt Petitionen gegen die Todesstrafe und rassistische & willkürliche Haftstrafen! (9. – 21.5.2014)

Die Todesstrafe ist keine angemessene Antwort auf Mord und Kriminalität. Wo sich der Staat zum Richter über Leben und Tod aufschwingt, nimmt nicht Gerechtigkeit ihren Lauf, sondern Rache und Vergeltung.

Die Botschaft von Amnesty International lautet deshalb unmissverständlich: Staaten können nicht gleichzeitig die Menschenrechte achten und die Todesstrafe verhängen und vollstrecken.

Aus diesem Grund setzt sich Amnesty International seit über 30 Jahren gegen diese Strafe ein. Und dies mit zunehmendem Erfolg: Immer mehr Staaten schaffen diese Strafe ab. Dennoch bleibt noch viel zu tun, Jahr für Jahr werden tausende Menschen hingerichtet. (Amnesty International)

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Urgent Action – Sudan. Hochschwangere zum Tod verurteilt!

Meriam Yehya Ibrahim ist am 15. Mai wegen „Abfall vom Glauben“ zum Tode verurteilt worden. Zudem verurteilte ein Gericht sie wegen außerehelichen Geschlechtsverkehrs zu 100 Peitschenhieben. Sie ist eine Gewissensgefangene, die allein wegen ihres Glaubens (Meriam ist orthodoxe Christin) und ihrer Identität für schuldig befunden wurde.
Meriam sitzt derzeit im achten Monat schwanger gemeinsam mit ihrem 20 Monate alten Sohn in Haft.

Jerry Hartfield is still waiting 34 years for a new trial

Hartfield is a black man from Kansas who was quickly convicted in 1977 of murdering a white woman in the Deep South. He is a man who once recorded an IQ of 51, which is far beneath the level at which courts recognize mental retardation in criminal defendants. He is the inmate who remains locked in a Texas prison 32 years




Sudan: Christians condemn death penalty for Sudanese doctor accused of apostasy

Stop My Son’s Execution

My Son Shahram Ahmadi has been sentenced to death. He is 26 years old and has spent the last 6 years of his life in prison. I couldn’t stop the execution of his younger brother Bahram and had a heart attack when I heard the news. The Iranian government refuses to hand over Bahram’s body. Now I need your help to stop Shahram’s execution.


Will Russell reports on the verdict against Occupy activist Cecily McMillan for supposedly assaulting a police officer–and how we can organize to support her.

THE GUILTY verdict against Occupy Wall Street activist Cecily McMillan represents a gross miscarriage of justice and a blow to the movement for social justice that Occupy represented. Having been denied bail by the judge, Cecily now sits in Rikers Island and awaits her sentencing–which could include up to seven years in prison.

LabourStart: Free Mahdi now!

In April 2011, Mahdi Abu Dheeb (pictured), a school teacher in Bahrain and then president of the Bahrain Teachers‘ Association, was arrested for encouraging members of his union to strike.

African-American Jerry Hartfield is 55 years old, and for 33 of those years, he’s been housed in a Texas prison without a valid conviction or sentence.

Since January 2013 only 90 persons have signed the petition – your signature makes a big difference to stop this outrageous Texas injustice

Mahdi Abu Dheeb is a prisoner of conscience – call for his release

In September 2011, Mahdi was sentenced to 10 years in prison for ‘halting the educational process’, ‘possessing pamphlets’ and ‘inciting hatred against the regime’, along with other charges.

His sentence was halved to five years on appeal, but he should never have been imprisoned in the first place. He has committed no crime.

Mahdi Abu Dheeb is a prisoner of conscience – call for his release

Amnesty International: URGENT ACTION

TEXAS AGAIN SET TO EXECUTE FOR CRIME AT AGE 18 Robert Campbell , aged 41, is due to be executed on 13 May.

He has been on death row for 22 years, over half of his life. This would be the third Texas execution in three months of a prisoner who was 18 years and three months old at the time of the crime

Amnesty International Germany: Urgent Action Drohende Hinrichtung. Email senden an den Begnadigungsausschuss (klicken und vorgeschlagene Eingabe wird als Email angezeigt) Information auf Deutsch und Englisch:

Saudi Arabia: Free Prominent Rights Activist

Waleed Abu al-Khair Arrested, Family Denied Access

Ministry of Interior of Saudi Arabia
PO Box 2933, Riyadh 11134
TEL : 1-401-1944 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-401-1944 KOSTENLOS  end_of_the_skype_highlighting FAX : 1-403-1185
Jeddah Office TEL: 2-687-232
web site:

Samar Badawi, the wife of Waleed Abu al-Khair, said that authorities allowed him to speak to her by phone for one minute on April 17, 2014.

(Beirut) – Saudi authorities should immediately release prominent human rights activist Waleed Abu al-Khair and drop all charges against him.

Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Criminal Court ordered Abu al-Khair’s detention when he attended a hearing in his case on April 15, 2014. Since his arrest the authorities have not allowed him to contact family members, who had no knowledge of his whereabouts for 24 hours. Abu al-Khair faces charges based solely on his peaceful human rights work, including “breaking allegiance with the ruler” and “making international organizations hostile to the kingdom.”

“Saudi authorities have repeatedly harassed Abu al-Khair for his human rights work, and now they’ve suddenly jailed him without letting him notify his family,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “The authorities should free Abu al-Khair immediately and drop the charges against him.”

On February 4, Abu al-Khair lost an appeal of a separate Jeddah Criminal Court conviction for signing statements critical of Saudi authorities, and received a prison sentence of three months.  It is unclear whether his detention is connected with the Jeddah conviction. Police in Jeddah arrested Abu al-Khair on October 2, 2013 and held him for one night for hosting a weekly discussion group for reformists, but prosecutors have yet to file criminal charges in that case.

Abu al-Khair attended the fifth session of his trial before the Specialized Criminal Court on the morning of April 15, travelling from his home in Jeddah to Riyadh. A lawyer, Abu al-Khair is representing himself during the proceeding and did not bring family members or trial monitors to the hearing. After several hours, Abu al-Khair’s organization, the Monitor of Human Rights in Saudi Arabia, released a Facebook statement stating that Abu al-Khair had gone missing and could not be reached by his mobile phone, which was switched off.


Tunisia: For the immediate Release of David Leandro Hofstadter!

Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 16.4.2014,

 David Leandro Hofstadter, a socialist journalist working for the Trotskyist Publishing House Rudolph Klement in Argentina, has been detained at his arrival in Tunisia on 6 April. Since then he has disappeared and not been in contact with his friends and comrades. It is obvious that he has been kidnapped by the Tunisian authorities.

The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency denounces this act of reactionary repression. We demand the immediate release of the comrade!

David Leandro Hofstadter covered as a correspondent the revolutionary process that shook Maghreb and Middle East since 2011. He travelled to Egypt, Iraq and Syria and visited several refugee camps. He is a revolutionary journalist who risks his live in order to advance the liberation struggle of the workers and oppressed.

He needs and he deserves our full solidarity!

We call the international workers movement to show its solidarity with comrade Hofstadter. You can start with sending messages of protest to the Tunisian Embassy in your country as well as to the Interior Minister of Tunisia (See its address below).

 International Secretariat of the RCIT

 Interior Minister of Tunisia

1000 Habib Bourguiba Av

Phones: 00216-71333000 // 71235385 // 71340888


William Rousan is scheduled to be executed in Missouri on April 23rd, 2014

Contact the Governor’s Office:

Missouri  has switched to pentobarbital, obtained from a compounding pharmacy (AP, 10/22/13), and began using pentobarbital in one-drug protocol on November 20, 2013

Rousan to be executed next month for rural Bonne Terre murders